Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A New Year

I can't believe how much time has passed since I wrote last. There were alot of firsts in the last couple of months..Thanksgiving, Hanukah, Christmas, New Years..the holidays were absolutely amazing this year. Bella was the only gift that all of us was pretty unbelievable that she was really there.

It was acutally a little hard for me on Christmas to new years..remembering the prior year and how excited we were about the pregnancy and the baby. I honestly can't believe all that happened in one year. There were so many tears last year bad and then good...but damn if i'm not ready for a break from crying! :)

Bella is doing amazing! Growing like crazy at her 4 months appt she was 16.8lbs and 25in, the Dr said she looked great and was very healthy. She is still sleeping through the night, now in her crib (which only took 6months to arrive) took a few tries for her to get used to it but now she is sleeping 10-12hrs straight. She is "talking" and laughing, very observant ..loves to watch sadie and the tv. Her favorite song so far the ABC's haha, she is fascinated watching everything we do with our mouths..including eating. She is still drinking her bottle, Dr said to start her on one solids meal in the next couple of weeks. I'm not ready to give up her complete "baby" status so i'm holding off, lol. The next couple of months should get really interesting.

I love that it's a new year :)

Here's a link to the most recent phots.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Carli, it is me Josh Hughes. I am not sure if you remember me or not, but I used to teach with your mom. Ok, really, your mom used to baby sit me at school after they hired me so I wouldn't get myself into trouble. They paid me, so I guess that counts as working there (ha ha). Anyway, Nita gave me your blog and I am so excited for the 3 of you (and the new happy grand parents too). What a gift you and Jamie have gotten. What a gift Bella has gotten! I wouldn't for a second give you advice about being Bella's mom or dad because God has programed you and Jamie with exactly everything that you will need to do that perfectly! I do want to say that I am about in the middle of a family of 12 children, 10 of whom are adopted. As one who is adopted, I want to tell you don't ever concern yourself about not seeing your eyes in hers. If you look in there (her eyes) on any given day, you will see something much more important. You will see that the two of you are Bella's everything! Nothing trumps that :O) Now let me tell you this quick story and I will let you go. On more than one occasion in my life, I have been out with my dad doing whatever and we have been told emphatically, "your son looks sooooo much like you." We would always say thanks and chuckle about it later. Now ..... my dad is a white boy... and you've met my chocolaty goodness. So either, the person who made that comment was not very observant or how a child turns out, looks and acts is way more nurture than nature. I'll go with the later! Enjoy every second and every phase because before you know it, you just like your mom will be grandma! Congratulations again! Fondly, Josh

PS - If you ever have any questions about what it is like being adopted, feel free to ask me. I wouldn't trade it for anything :O)