Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 25: Groundhog Day

The Dr actually pointed out that today was day 25....if you asked me i would have said it was day 7 or something...i truly have no idea what day it is or how long this has been going on. Part of me feels like he was just born yesterday and all the rest is just a bad dream. Actually it feels like "Groudhog Day"...every day is exactly the same and i'm walking through a fog..pretty much thinking WTF? Wake up exhausted, drive an hour to the city, sit with Henry, listen to the Dr talk about my son and his "severely damaged lungs", using words i have no clue what they mean, listening to endless beeps and alarms as Henry and other babies forget to breathe, read a little, day dream of when this will be over, pack up, say I love you to my son and drive the hour back home, walk in the door to the biggest smile on Bella's face, play with her, eat dinner and go to bed. Somewhere in there Jamie and I get to see eachother...usually at the hospital. It's a very strange exsistence right now...

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